Stage 1 – Desired Results
Established Goal(s)/Content Standard(s):
Anchor Standard VA:Cr1.2: Refine and complete artistic work.
7th Grade - VA:Cr2.7.1:
Anchor Standard: VA:Cn10.1: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Transfer Goal(s):
- Create plans for work.
- Develop an independent artistic vision.
Students will understand that:
- Artists experiment with media and art-making approaches.
- Lanterns and luminaries, while different, can signify important events.
Essential Question(s):
- How does art help us understand the lives of people of different times, places, and cultures?
Student Objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to:
- Explore a variety of media.
- Create a pattern or design for their subject.
- Construct the lantern template.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
- Develop patterns and designs for their idea.
- Create the patterns and designs on the lantern.
- Construct the lantern template.
Other Evidence:
- Self-reflection
- Class critique
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
- Step 1: Hand out images of a variety of lanterns to small groups of students. Ask them to put them into categories. Depending on age you can assign (ie: by color) or let students decide how they should be grouped. Call on groups to report their findings.
- Step 2: Ask students to choose something they want to celebrate or something they are grateful for. Hand out practice paper and ask students to create patterns and designs for their lantern.
- Step 3: Pass out pre-print templates on vellum sheets (download here). Make sure to let it dry for a few minutes so the ink doesn’t smear.
- Step 4: When finished, assemble with these steps:
- 1. Decorate the template.
- 2. Cut the template along solid lines.
- 3. Carefully cut along dashed lines. Discard piece labeled DISCARD.
- 4. Fold along the dotted lines.
- 5. Add glue to the tabs. Press the tabs into the sides of the shape. Add tape to hold them in place.
- 6. Tape a flameless candle to the light tab. Make sure the on/off switch is accessible. Fold the light tab to tuck the flameless candle into the lantern.
- Step 5: As a class, talk about the successes in the works. Have students reflect on their process and their work.